How to cure ED

Worker Staff

asked 2 years ago

I was diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. Is it a lifetime diagnosis or is full recovery possible?

1 Answers

Dr Kaufman Staff

asked 2 years ago

In varying degrees, erectile disorders affect more than 100 million men worldwide. From temporary debasement to definitive powerlessness, for every disorder – and for each of its causes, today there is a cure.

Depending on the cause, a patient can either fully recover from ED or have its symptoms alleviated and controlled by intake of oral drugs. Cialis (tadalafil) is the only oral drug with proven efficiency in reversing the condition and providing a full recovery when taken as a therapy course in the dose of 5mg. Other oral drugs like the legendary Viagra (sildenafil), its closest analog Levitra (vardenafil), stronger doses of Cialis and a novelty addition to the family of PDE5 inhibitors where all of the mentioned drugs belong, Spedra (avanafil) provide a temporary relief and are taken as needed. These drugs can only address ED where the condition is not caused by a problem with blood vessels.

The therapeutic use of hormones involves the use of testosterone only and only in cases where a real deficiency is demonstrated, in order to restore a correct balance.

In cases where erectile dysfunction is likely to be psychogenic, psychosexual intervention is indispensable in order to identify and remove the factors that caused it. There is no doubt as in the premise that psychosexual therapy is fundamental even in cases of organic or mixed dysfunction as it is able to reduce the state of anxiety and discomfort.

Intracavernous pharmacotherapy is invasive, as it involves the injection of vasoactive drug into the corpus cavernosum of the penis, resulting in an erection. The therapeutic pharmacological substances used are Prostglandine and Papaverine. Their use is indicated, in cases of failure of oral therapy or in re-education after radical prostatectoia surgery.

Surgical therapy is indicated only in patients in whom medical therapy has failed. Surgery involves inserting hydraulic prostheses into the corpora cavernosa.

Are all ED medications the same?


asked 1 year ago

Hello! I have been having one failure after another in bed, to the point where it no longer feels like a ”bad day”… So sad to say. Looks like I will have to see the doctor about my sitch and get some help. I only ever hear about Viagra and Cialis, but recently learnt there is this drug called Levitra? What is the differnce between them, if any? Thanks in advance!

1 Answers

Dr Kaufman Staff

answered 1 year ago

While patients with erectile failure, which occurs when the blood cannot get in or stay long enough in the penis to cause or maintain an erection, already have 3 drugs at their disposal (Viagra, Levitra, Cialis), a new “facilitator” recently was recently added. Spedra containing a new molecule, avanafil joined the therapeutic arsenal of PDE5 inhibitors available for ED treatment. All the drugs feature three different molecules: sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis), vardenafil (Levitra) and avanafil, as mentioned before, in Spedra. There has been another oral drug, udenafil (Zydena) formulated recently for the use in impotence, but it has not been approved by the FDA and is still used in a limited number of countries.

The main difference between the available medications is the so-called ”therapeutic window”, or the duration of drug action. Viagra, Levitra and Stendra all remain effective during 4 hours or slightly more, subject to difference from patient to patient and from one occasion to another. Cialis remains active for 36 hours and sometimes slightly more than that, this is why it is called ”the weekend pill” by the media. Stendra has more impactful action with a quicker onset.

All of the above mentioned ED drugs are available in generic forms, and those generics can have meaningful differences in onset time, impactfulness and therapeutic window. The key to understanding which is which is generally this: orodispersible tablets and oral gels have a shorter onset time, pills with stronger doses address full impotence or work in cases where smaller doses do not yield the desired effect, and combinatory pills address two problems at once, basically what we are talking here is ED aggravated by premature ejaculation.

You need to have a physical or telemedicine doctor examination to help you choose the correct drug and the right dose. Ask more questions if you have any!

How To Get Stronger Erections? Age-Related Drop In Erectile Function


asked 1 year ago

good morning doctor i am 64 years old and have normal sex 1 or 2 times a week. now and for a certain period of time 3 or 4 times a month it happens to me that when I have sex the penis gets hard first but after a few minutes it reduces to 50 percent. Do Ihave to worry or take cialis to get stronger erections thank you

1 Answers

Dr Kaufman Staff

answered 1 year ago

Hi, the possibility of occasional erection deficits is normal, also considering your age. In his case, it would seem that in one incident our of about 4 you does not consider your erection satisfactory. Let me not again that it is quite normal that with advancing age the erection decreases and also that the erection does not have the same intensity for the duration of the relationship because the erection oscillates physiologically. Rather than relying on self-medication, it may be useful to ask a urologist / andrologist for a consultation, who will certainly be able to investigate these occasional erection losses and possibly suggest the most appropriate therapy.

Erection Problems


Erection Problems

Erectile health in males is closely interconnected with other major systems in the body: cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine and muscular in the first place. We are finding the most relevant materials on how to make all of the bodily systems work smoothly so that you enjoy your healthiest erectile function well into your senior years. You will discover that mindful approach to healthcare pays great dividends!

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Questions and Answers

How To Get Stronger Erections? Age-Related Drop In Erectile Function

good morning doctor i am 64 years old and have normal sex 1 or 2 times a week. now and for a certain period of time 3 or 4 times a…







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Hello! I have been having one failure after another in bed, to the point where it no longer feels like a ”bad day”… So sad t…







How to cure ED

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Doxycycline Antibiotic may Prevent Breast Cancer Relapse

The statistics on breast cancer recurrence is not calming. More than 30% of women who have lived through this disease have to fight with it for the second time. Half of the cases happen in more than 5 years after the tumor removal surgery. Such figures make the scientists all over the world look for an effective and financially available treatment to help women escape the sad statistic.

A recent clinical trial held in the University of Salford has proven that Doxycycline, which is an FDA approved antibiotic, has a significant positive impact on lowering the probability of breast cancer recurrence.

What is Doxycycline?

Doxycycline is an antibiotic commonly prescribed for the treatment of sinusitis, pneumonia, Lyme disease, and some sexually transmitted diseases. It has been applied in medicine since 1967 and is on the WHO List of Essential Medicines. Its efficacy in the prevention of breast cancer recurrence gives hope for a successful and affordable cure for women around the world.

The cores of the study

The use of already existing treatments can speed up the process of their application for the prevention of relapse of breast cancer. The only thing left is to find the one that will work best.


A group of scientists from the above-mentioned university has conducted a trial on the effect of Doxycycline antibiotic on the breast cancer recurrence. Even though only 15 women took part in it, the results are very promising.

The main aim of the trial was to reach the lowering of the number of the stem cells, which are actually responsible for the problem. The patients were taking the drug for two weeks prior to the surgery. Based on the results of tests that were received, the number of aggressive cells has significantly dropped by 17% – 66% in 90 percent of the patients.

How it works?

Doxycycline affects the main power generator of the cell – mitochondria. By inhibiting its function, the drug prevents the stem cell division. Such a mechanism of action prevents the recidivism of breast cancer and the growth of the metastases in the post-surgery period.

Home Remedies for Curing Acne

More than three-fourths of the world’s population has faced with acne either in the puberty or in the adult life. This skin problem causes much discomfort and makes people less confident about their appearance.

The desire to have a clean and healthy skin doesn’t always correspond with our financial possibilities. Besides, sensitive skin may react with an allergy to some aggressive medicinal or cosmetic treatments. That’s why home-made remedies for acne are rather popular. Let’s have a look at the most effective of them.

Cucumber mask

Being rich in vitamins A, E, C, and possessing skin soothing qualities, a cucumber may become a great cure for acne. To reach the best results, put the grated or sliced vegetable on the pimple and keep it on for at least 20 minutes. Then wash it down with clear water.


This product is famous for its antibacterial properties. Besides, honey can diminish the inflammation, which actually causes acne. To cope with the pimples, apply a cotton swab greased with honey to a pustule and leave it there for about half an hour. After that, you should rinse it with water.

green tea

Green tea

It turns out that green tea is useful not only when you drink it but also when you apply it to your acne-affected skin. Thanks to numerous antioxidants present in it, green tea has a positive impact on the skin condition. You may use both cooled tea as a face wash and a used tea bag for reducing the inflammation of the affected area.


This vegetable is considered to be exclusively useful for human health on the whole and for dealing with acne in particular. It kills the bacteria causing inflammation and speeds up the healing of the existing pimples due to containing sulfur. Cut the clove into two pieces and rub it into the pimple. Five minutes will be enough for the garlic to do its job.

Apple cider vinegar

This home remedy can help reduce the skin oiliness and supports normal skin Ph levels. Apple cider vinegar promotes skin healing and diminishes the inflammation if used directly on a pimple. However, you should remember that this substance may be used on the skin only after it is diluted with water. Otherwise, you may get a chemical burn.

The reasons and signs of estrogen excess

Hormonal imbalance can negatively affect women at almost any age. Excess of oestrogen, which is a key female hormone may first show through a slight discomfort. Yet gradually it may lead to quite serious health issues. That’s why maintaining proper amounts of this hormone in the blood is extremely important.

Possible reasons for estrogen excess

The causes of too much oestrogen in the blood may vary in their nature, yet they are not numerous:

  • The body secretes too much of the hormone. Such a condition is possible due to alterations in the work of adrenal glands, for example. They may be provoked by continuous stresses and excessive physical activity. The body starts secreting less progesterone, and when the balance between it and oestrogen is disturbed, a woman may start experiencing some unwanted symptoms.
  • Consumption of oestrogens from the foods. In rare cases, eating foods that contain phytoestrogens or other hormones or even antibiotics may cause a crash in the hormonal balance. As a result, oestrogen excess is formed.
  • Administering of hormonal preparations. Overly high estrogens may appear and cause troubles in women getting hormone replacement therapy for diminishing menopausal symptoms. You may need your dose to be adjusted to stabilize your health condition.

However, in some periods of the female life, large amounts of oestrogen may be a kind of norm. It explains the alterations in the women’s state of health prior to the menstruation, for example. Nevertheless, depending on the seriousness of your PMS signs, you may also need a doctor’s consultation.

How can you know that there’s too much estrogen?

Any alterations of the hormonal background manifest via certain symptoms. Having an excess of estrogens in the blood, you are very likely to experience:


  • Tenderness or pain in the breasts (you may also have noticed it before the periods);
  • Headaches or even migraines;
  • Severe PMS symptoms (e.g. irritability, mood swings);
  • An increase in body weight without obvious reasons;
  • Abnormal menstruations (too strong or almost absent bleedings);
  • Fibrocystic lumps in the breasts;
  • Insomnia or vice versa sleepiness;
  • Low libido.

You may feel some other symptoms too because the number of unwanted manifestations and their severity depends on the quantity of the hormone in your blood.

Breast Cancer, The Effects Of Physical Movement On The Risk Of Recurrence

More than 2.1 million new cases per year: here are the numbers of breast cancer diagnosed in 2018. If you look at the situation in our country, it is good to remember also the excellent average of survival at five years: the value in question is equal to 15% and exceeds the average.

Those who experience the ordeal of breast cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatment must also deal with recurrences. Among the “strategies” useful to prevent them we find the physical exercise. As also mentioned by the experts of the Department of Population Health Research, Alberta Health Services-Cancer Care, physical activity helps modulate the mechanisms of the immune system, whose efficiency is deeply linked to the possible progression of the neoplasm.

To further investigate the effects of physical activity on the risk of breast cancer recurrence, researchers at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo, in collaboration with two non-profit cultural associations and with leading health organizations such as the National Cancer Institute Foundation of Milan, will soon start the MoviS project.

Starting in November, 180 patients will be recruited with a diagnosis of breast cancer and having undergone surgical treatment. The criteria also include the absence of the disease at the time of inclusion in the sample and the fact that chemotherapy has been completed for at least 6 months.

The participants, divided into two groups, will be placed in three support courses. Both groups will be followed from a psychological and nutritional point of view, while only the experimental one will be included in a program aimed at controlling physical exercise starting from the data of a personal diary on daily movement.

At a 3-year follow-up, it will be possible to collect data that is undoubtedly relevant to an aspect that is worth considering. As highlighted by experts, leading a sedentary lifestyle after a diagnosis of breast cancer exposes a mortality risk greater than 25%.

To prevent recurrences, only two and a half hours of physical activity would be enough per week (a light discipline like fast walking is also very good). Finally, remember the importance of saying goodbye to cigarette smoking and an unbalanced diet.

How To Get Skinny With Minimal Efforts: The Science-Backed Tips

Losing weight, especially quickly, has never been easy. Discover some simple tricks to do it in a correct and healthy way. How many of us have needed to lose weight before an important event or a beach season and fell prey to fad diets that come loaded with side effects and fleeting benefits?

However, if properly supervised, it is possible to get skinny fast and with results that stay, without compromising one’s state of health and above all without recovering the pounds lost to the first pizza. Below you will find some key tricks to better deal with rapid weight loss.

Be careful not to lose muscle mass

The first and most important trick to succeed well in rapid weight loss, is to make sure you don’t lose muscle mass. The loss of muscle mass, which would surely have repercussions on the weight by lowering it rapidly, would negatively affect your metabolism, irreparably compromising it.

Pay attention to the onset of cold, lack of appetite, early morning tiredness, the difficulty of falling asleep in the evening – they could be the first alarm bells for the loss of muscle mass.

Instead, to face rapid weight loss without compromising muscle mass, keep up working out, consume the appropriate amount of protein daily and above all drink a sufficient amount of water.

Stay hydrated

In fact, it is essential to drink the right amount of water to guarantee rapid and healthy weight loss. In addition to allowing you to eliminate excess liquids, the water you take in will allow you:

Stay hydrated

  • to better use the nutrients assumed;
  • to keep muscles healthy;
  • to support the metabolism;
  • to reduce the sensation of appetite;
  • to avoid unpleasant pressure drops.

Make sure you consume at least 2 liters of water daily.

Do not skip meals

One of the most serious mistakes when thinking about tackling a rapid weight loss is to fast or skip meals. On the contrary, in the fast weight loss phases, it is essential to fragment the meal as much as possible, so as to increase the metabolic effect of the food, and spend more energy on digestion. The appropriate snacks will also allow you to preserve the metabolic integrity and above all not to be hungry.

Limit carbohydrates

In each phase of rapid weight loss it is necessary to limit carbohydrates. Be careful, however, to gradually reintroduce carbohydrates once this phase is over, otherwise the risk of recovering part of the lost weight will be high. In the carbohydrate reintroduction phases, always prefer whole grain products and grain cereals.

Stay active

If the sport has never been part of your life, at least make sure you are “normally” active. Any self-respecting weight loss, especially if rapid, must rely on the energy expenditure associated with physical activity.

Try starting with:

  • Ten thousand daily steps, to be carried out preferably in the early morning;
  • Go up and down the stairs on foot;
  • Use the bike rather than the car;
  • Devote 15 minutes of your time to free body exercises.

It might be the right time to get physical activity into your daily routine.