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Worker Staff

asked 2 years ago

I was diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. Is it a lifetime diagnosis or is full recovery possible?

1 Answers

Dr Kaufman Staff

asked 2 years ago

In varying degrees, erectile disorders affect more than 100 million men worldwide. From temporary debasement to definitive powerlessness, for every disorder – and for each of its causes, today there is a cure.

Depending on the cause, a patient can either fully recover from ED or have its symptoms alleviated and controlled by intake of oral drugs. Cialis (tadalafil) is the only oral drug with proven efficiency in reversing the condition and providing a full recovery when taken as a therapy course in the dose of 5mg. Other oral drugs like the legendary Viagra (sildenafil), its closest analog Levitra (vardenafil), stronger doses of Cialis and a novelty addition to the family of PDE5 inhibitors where all of the mentioned drugs belong, Spedra (avanafil) provide a temporary relief and are taken as needed. These drugs can only address ED where the condition is not caused by a problem with blood vessels.

The therapeutic use of hormones involves the use of testosterone only and only in cases where a real deficiency is demonstrated, in order to restore a correct balance.

In cases where erectile dysfunction is likely to be psychogenic, psychosexual intervention is indispensable in order to identify and remove the factors that caused it. There is no doubt as in the premise that psychosexual therapy is fundamental even in cases of organic or mixed dysfunction as it is able to reduce the state of anxiety and discomfort.

Intracavernous pharmacotherapy is invasive, as it involves the injection of vasoactive drug into the corpus cavernosum of the penis, resulting in an erection. The therapeutic pharmacological substances used are Prostglandine and Papaverine. Their use is indicated, in cases of failure of oral therapy or in re-education after radical prostatectoia surgery.

Surgical therapy is indicated only in patients in whom medical therapy has failed. Surgery involves inserting hydraulic prostheses into the corpora cavernosa.