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asked 2 years ago

My penis measures up to slightly under 4 inches when fully erect, and due to some highly individual angulation problems many sex positions are off limits for me. What products would you recommend to help in my situation?

1 Answers

Dr Kaufman Staff

answered 2 years ago

Dear user, let me assure you that, with 5.2 inches being an average penis size, you might be comparing yourself to unrealistically high standards. However, it is a pity you do not mention what kind of “angulation problem” prevent you from enjoying a wonderfully perfect sexual life. I recommend that you seek medical advice regarding the angulation issue, because it might be Peyronie’s disease which required physical examination. As for the rest, there are no products that are effective for penile augmentation. If you experience erectile problems, or decreased desire, linked to self-confidence issues, you would benefit from drugs like Viagra and / or supplements to step up your sex drive. You should make an appointment with a doctor in order to establish the necessity to take one of such medications. Therapy can also be a very helpful addition to the measures taken, because ultimately, it is the ability to communicate with the couple and find out how to give pleasure to your partner outside of the traditional penetrative sex that matters. Good luck!