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Ketogenic Diet: A Simple Introductory Guide For Beginners

It is one of the most discussed diets in recent years, severely discouraged by some, but of proven effectiveness in weight reduction, even by people who had failed to lose weight in any other way. The ketogenic diet is based on the induction of a biochemical state called ketosis in which the body, after having consumed the available sugar, begins to metabolize the stored fats. The principle, in itself, is physiological, but it is not suitable for everyone and cannot be followed as a do-it-yourself regime.

The mechanism itself is simple: our body uses the energy from glycides, such as sugar and carbohydrates, present in the blood, for its daily activities, such as movement, breathing and the preservation of body temperature. To force it to affect the stocks stored in the form of fat, it is necessary to eliminate (or reduce to very small quantities) the amount of glycides coming from the diet. At some point our body realizes that it has “run out of fuel”; some organs and tissues begin to use fatty acids as an energy source: the brain, the nervous system and some muscle fibers, on the other hand, produce ketone bodies, which are obtained by metabolizing lipid stocks. The body thus enters a biochemical state called ketosis, in which in practice the physical uses fats to produce energy, given the shortage of available sugars.

The state of ketosis is not easy to reach and maintain: it is necessary to eliminate all the sources of glucose from the diet, including bread and pasta, sugar, alcohol, potatoes, but also fruit, milk and dairy products, legumes and red / orange vegetables like tomatoes and carrots, usually also allowed in low-calorie regimens. Proteins can be taken freely in the form of meat, fish, eggs: it is often advisable to complete the diet with protein supplements and salts, vitamins and omega 3, given the reduced contribution from the table. It is also essential to drink plenty of water, at least two liters a day.

After a couple of days of ketosis, weight loss begins to occur, rather quickly and consistently. Since the state of ketosis is linked to the level of blood glucose in the blood, it goes without saying that every deviation is paid for with the loss of this complex biochemical balance: just a small fruit, or a drink or a piece of bread is enough to compromise the ketosis and negate all efforts: the physicist will in fact recognize the presence of glucose and will resume using it. For this reason, when the desired weight is reached, it is necessary to reintroduce the normal foods very gradually so as not to recover the pounds in a short time.

The ketogenic diet it is unsuitable for those suffering from kidney diseases and it is necessary, during the diet and in the subsequent maintenance period.

If done correctly and with the use of the appropriate supplements, the diet will simply be protein, and not high protein; even maintaining the weight achieved will be simpler and more durable. On the other hand, the ketogenic diet makes it possible to dispose of a considerable number of kilos in a short time and, if followed correctly, makes it possible to lose weight significantly, reducing only the fat mass, without affecting the lean muscle mass.

Feeling Hungry After Eating: The Hormones At Play And How To Manage Them

It often happens to the best of us to eat more than necessary and not always out of hunger, but to compensate for states of anxiety, nervousness, stress, with the almost obvious consequence of becoming overweight. If the feeling of always having hunger happens every now and then, it is not worrying, but if it becomes habitual we should not underestimate this alarm bell. It is in fact a modality through which the body is communicating something to us: obviously something in your diet is not going the right way. So let’s see what can be the causes for which you are still hungry even after eating.

Being hungry after eating: the causes

Hunger is a physiological need and is influenced by various factors, such as the food itself, the emotional factors and the appetite hormones. An excess of constant hunger can affect our health, for this reason, we must pay attention to some habits.

The feeling of compulsive hunger can be triggered by a slight state of dehydration. It could be that the body needs fluids but there is confusion in the brain in the hypothalamus, which is the brain region that regulates both thirst and appetite. So it is advisable to drink a glass of water 20 minutes before starting to eat. If you finish eating you still have the feeling of hunger, drink another glass of water and wait 20 minutes. If the problem is dehydration, the feeling of hunger will disappear.

If your diet is mainly based on the consumption of carbohydrates, that is: white flour, sugary foods, sweets and biscuits, the blood sugar level will rise very quickly and fall immediately afterwards, triggering a vicious circle that leads to always eating more.


Therefore a balanced diet is recommended, which is also rich in fiber and protein. The latter promote the feeling of satiety. Say yes to eggs, lean meat and Greek yogurt.

It should never happen that you skip a meal during the day. When the stomach remains empty for a long time, it produces a high level of ghrelin, or the hunger hormone. Therefore it is advisable to eat every 4/5 hours starting from breakfast.

Psychological causes of continuous hunger

Several studies have confirmed that observing food encourages eating and, in this society where food really is not lacking, we just have to give in to temptations very often. So once our meal is over, we should be strong and resist.

Very often, because of the little time available, we eat quickly on the office desk, maybe in the meantime we carry on the work. Nothing could be more wrong: lunch or dinner require the right amount of time, as well as the serenity and the possibility of enjoying the meal. Eating slowly and consciously helps to reach satiety first and keep it longer.

Dietitian, Nutritionist Or Dietologist: Whom To Consult And When?

When you want to lose a few pounds of weight, the first suggestion you receive is to skip the do-it-yourself ambitions and seek help of a food professional, in order to receive safe driving and a personalized and truly ideal food plan for you. The figures of reference, however, are different: how to choose, for example between a nutritionist or a dietologist? Or isn’t a dietitian better?

Dietitian is the one who has a bachelor’s degree, or the first degree: they are not a doctor, but a health worker. A professional elaborates, formulates and sets the diets prescribed by the doctor and monitors the patient’s acceptability. You can also develop a diet prescribed by a doctor. The dietician also deals with food hygiene control, nutrition education, scientific research and collaboration with food industries.

Nutritionist is a biologist who holds a five-year degree: they are entitled to assess people’s nutritional and energy needs, developing dietary patterns and, like dietitians, working in the area of ​​food education and collective catering. They can independently develop diets, nutritional advice and prescribe food supplements (but not drugs). However, they cannot make a diagnosis of pathology, but in case of suspicion of illness they must invite the patient to seek medical attention.

Dietologist is a doctor graduated in medicine and surgery, and later specialized after another four years of study in food science. They are responsible for the diagnosis of a possible pathology and the prescription of the diet, as well as drugs and even invasive tests. From the professional point of view it is the most titled and most competent figure in the field of food and related disorders.

Who to trust. The three professionals described above simply indicate the training path of the various specialists. As always, when you have to rely on a specialist, in addition to competence, there are also a series of more subtle elements, such as ease of dialogue, empathy and the sense of confidence you feel “in your gut”. For this reason, with the same skills and documented qualification of the specialist, it is always the criterion to choose the person with whom you are the best team.

However, some general rules apply: if you are in good health and simply want to reorganize your food style or check to follow the rules of a healthy and balanced diet, perhaps losing a bit of weight, the nutritionist can be a valid reference figure.

You can seek their help with confidence even if you have been diagnosed with a condition like hypercholesterolemia or obesity: the nutritionist will help us identify a healthier lifestyle and provide you with an adequate food plan. However, if you have to lose a lot of pounds or stay on a diet for a long time, or you suspect that our extra pounds hide a disease or a disorder of eating behavior, the dietician is the professional figure for us. You will be in front of a specialist doctor who can deal with all aspects of our situation, even from a clinical point of view, possibly prescribing the exams and drugs you might need. Only in a second phase, with a complete clinical picture, can you possibly book an appointment with a nutritionist.

Obesity As A Cause For Erectile Dysfunction: This Is What The Link Is

When we talk about erectile dysfunction we must always move with extreme caution considering the delicacy of the interests called into play. Sexuality, despite a recent libertarian tendency, remains a topic by definition intimate, which causes embarrassment and communicative difficulties both in the couple and with a trusted doctor.

A US research conducted by the professor of epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health, Eric Rimm, has shown the close link between overweight and / or obesity and erectile dysfunction. The results tell us that men, aged between 51 and 90 years and overweight (identified by a waist size of more than 105 cm in total), have a tendency to develop problems of impotence twice that of men of normal build (waistline below 90 cm).

The correlation is obvious but the specific causes that create this problem can be manifold. For instance, excessive overweight determines the inability to release nitric oxide from the cardiac epithelial layer due to the excessive presence of insulin in the blood. This step is crucial, since it is precisely nitric oxide that sends the message to the soft tissues and penile arteries to relax, to allow the blood to flow into the cavernous bodies and spongy bodies.

But it is not only the secretion of nitric oxide, other physiological mechanisms may be involved. The greater the quantities of the fat mass, the lower the levels of testosterone in the blood, with negative consequences for the development of the sexual organs and the correct production of the spermatozoa (with possible consequences also for the fertility of the subject).

The high percentage of fat mass typical of obesity does not simply worsen the general and penile blood circulation, but acts at the hormonal level, soothing the testicular activity regulated by the pituitary gland. Thus, an involutive spiral of continuous lowering of testosterone is triggered, which fails to contribute to the loss of erectile potential.

In addition to the specific point of view, obesity acts negatively on a psychological level. The severely overweight or obese person will not be able to perceive himself as a potentially attractive person, and a person who fails to love himself can hardly be loved by others.

Except for particular endocrine, hormonal or other pathological problems, to combat obesity and lose weight immediately it is sufficient to gradually change one’s habits, undergoing a balanced and correct diet and having regular physical activity throughout the course of the year.

You should not follow fad diets that consist of deprivation of entire nutritional sectors, but comprehensively supplement your diet with foods with high vitamin, mineral and micronutrient content to improve the overall health of your cardio circulatory system and appreciate in a short time the improvements also in erections.


Substances such as Zinc (contained in some vegetables such as Cavoli or all seafood), help to reduce the levels of triglycerides in the blood, avoiding the formation of cholesterol plaques inside the blood vessels. A discreet protein intake will also be necessary to avoid losing lean muscle mass during the diet. In this way the weight loss decreed by the balance may be less or less striking than in a more extreme diet, but your body will certainly benefit from it.

A brisk walk will be sufficient for half an hour for 5 days a week, but it is possible to modulate the effort according to one’s own preferences (eg swimming is one of the preferred choices for overweight people, since one does physical activity , without perceiving the weight of your fat as a ballast) and at your own time availability.