
What is Penegra?
Penegra is an oral drug used to restore erectile function in male patients affected by ED (erectile dysfunction). The drug is taken orally as needed, that is prior to engaging in sexual activity. Penegra does not provide a complete recovery from ED; it is used to provide symptomatic relief. Thanks to the drug, men with compromised erectile ability can resume their sexual life, reversing the condition back to the state it had been prior to the onset of ED.
Penegra is a generically produced sildenafil citrate, which is the active medicinal substance in Viagra, the first oral ED drug produced by Pfizer in 1998 that revolutionized the world of andology and pharmacology. Since its discovery date, sildenafil has helped millions of men restore their intimate life and improve its quality multifold.
How taken
The general recommendation is to take 50mg tablet approximately one hour before sexual intercourse. Users should not increase the dose to more than 100mg and take Penegra at most once a day. Do not take Penegra with large amounts of alcohol or after a meal with high content of fat, as these will inhibit the effects of sildenafil and delay their onset.
Mechanism of action

Contrary to popular belief, sildenafil used in Viagra and Penegra does not possess any aphrodisiac features, and therefore cannot affect libido. Sexual stimulation is required for the drug to produce its therapeutic results.
Penegra composition, and therefore efficiency, safety, mechanism of action, side effects and instructions for use are identical to those of Viagra. Sildenafil used as the basis for the drug fosters release of Nitric Oxide, a substance released during sexual arousal in males. The role of this substance is to relax the walls of blood vessels in penile tissues, making them dilate and absorb the amount of blood sufficient for a hard and controllably lasting erection. Release of Nitric Oxide is achieved through inhibition of enzyme called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5), hence the name of the drug class Penegra belongs to, PDE5 inhibitors.
After a sexual arousal, the body’s own enzyme PDE5 ensures that the penis relaxes again. It breaks down the guanosine monophosphate molecules that make the male member stiff and reduces the blood supply. Sildenafil inhibits PDE5 and enhances the body’s response to sexual stimuli, at the same time preventing the slackening of the penis.
Based on the above, Penegra can help restore erectile function compromised by miscellaneous disorders, but only as long as the condition is not caused by a disease of blood vessels.
Recreational use of sildenafil
Drugs based on sildenafil, including Penegra, have a certain reputation created by the media. It is universally believed that the intake of sildenafil will help the user acquire qualities of a lover that are unachievable in an unmedicated state. This misconception has certain grounds, though the official position of the drug developer and FDA is that sildenafil produces no measurable effects in healthy individuals. The drug only makes it possible to respond in a natural way towards sexual irritants, which is by developing erection.
However, the majority of healthy men taking Penegra recreationally point out the increase in stamina and overall virility, as well as shortened periods required for sexual recharge. It should be added that these benefits often become a reason for psychological dependence on Penegra. The rule of thumb in this case is to avoid recreational intake of sildenafil. The drug is designed to be used by men with diagnostically confirmed ED. Recreational use is fraught with a number of health risks that range from unidentified contraindications to pathological psychological dependence on the drug.
Being a powerful vasodilator, sildenafil is used recreationally for other purposes, for instance, in athletes or alpinists. The drug helps to improve sportive results and boosts performance in the former, and in the latter it helps to adapt to tenuous air at high altitudes and avoid altitude sickness.
Generic sildenafil: pros and cons
Generically manufactured, sildenafil becomes a far less economically prohibitive pharmacological product. The price of Penegra is approximately 1/10th of Viagra cost.
The rationale behind this gape in prices is the need of the developing company to:
- win back the money invested into several stages of drug development;
- the need of the same company to fund researches aimed at discovering new drugs;
- the absence of government regulation for prices set for original drugs.
Huge pharmaceutical companies let go of their patents only too unwillingly. However, when the patent for exclusive production expires, as it happened several years back for Viagra, other manufacturers can pick up the production line, and quote prices that are only a fraction of that of the original drug price.
As has been noted above, the obvious benefit of generic sildenafil is its price, which is often only 10% of the price of the original drug. It is up to every individual user to decide if they want to invest their own money, helping large pharmaceutical companies formulate new medications. It is also popularly believed that a more expensive product is bound to entail more reliable quality; not quite so in the world of pharmaceuticals where the business of making money has very little to do with actual purpose of spreading healthcare products.
Both prescribers and pharmacy technicians are obliged to provide patients with options for choosing between bioequivalent drugs and full generic substitutes. Prescription therefore will contain generic name of the preparation prescribed.
The pros list of generics includes significantly diversified range of doses and pharmacological forms. For instance, in case of sildenafil, the substance is available in form of classic oral tablets, sachets, lozenges, oral jellies with fruity flavor and even gel. The dose of sildenafil is also stepped up from the maximal dose of the original Viagra 100mg to sildenafil 150mg available from certain manufacturers.
As for the downsides of generic pills, not all of the manufacturers are registered in the country the drugs are imported into, which can potentiate issues with healthcare authorities and in some cases custom clearance. There is also a certain risk of purchasing fake medications which are inefficient in the best case scenario, and dangerous in the worst. One should always order medications from verified pharmacies that deal strictly with approved and reliable manufacturers of generics.
Warnings and precautions
Patients with severe renal insufficiency or hepatic impairment should first take only Penegra 25mg and if necessary increase the dose gradually to a maximum of 100mg. A higher dose does not lead to better efficacy, says the manufacturer. Instead, taking too many pills can increase unwanted side effects.
Some people may not take Penegra because dangerous side effects could arise – for example, due to pre-existing conditions like angina pectoris, sickle cell anemia, Peyronie’s disease, priapism, heart, liver or kidney diseases, blood pressure problems or patients taking certain drugs (check for the full list with your doctor or pharmacist).
Side effects

The following are the most common side effects, according to the manufacturer:
- Cephalgia
- Erythema
- Dyspepsia (upper abdominal pain, vomiting, heartburn, feeling of fullness)
- Blockage of the nose
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Hot flashes
- Blurred vision
Posted in Erectile Dysfunction
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