Dry Skin In Menopause? This Is What Can Be Done To Avoid It

Menopause is a phase of life in which many changes occur, and those changes can lead to a series of disorders and annoyances that must be dealt with. Even the skin suffers, more than you can imagine. We are not just talking about wrinkles and aging, but about lack of hydration. In fact, dry menopausal skin is one of the signs that our body sends us because something is changing. But why does it happen and what tricks can we take to avoid it?

Causes of dry skin in climacteric and menopause

The causes of dry menopausal skin are the same as all the other changes typical of this period: the reduction of estrogen and, in part, a physiological dehydration typical of aging. In fact, between the ages of 40 and 55, the production of estrogens drops, the menstrual cycle disappears, and a series of effects linked to the lack of estrogens occur.

Estrogens, the main female sex hormones, perform a series of functions in the body, including that of stimulating the formation of collagen and sebum, promoting skin hydration and counteracting free radicals that accelerate cellular agin. In menopause, therefore, the skin becomes thinner, less elastic, dry, and its processes of renewal and healing slow down.

With regard to dehydration associated with aging, on the other hand, it is a physiological phenomenon linked to the fact that as age advances we tend to lose more fluids and, at the same time, feel less the stimulus of thirst. Among the typical symptoms of menopause, dry skin is certainly one of the most easily managed, bringing some changes to the lifestyle, nutrition and hygienic and cosmetic treatments we dedicate to the skin.

What to do for dry menopausal skin

To keep the skin hydrated in menopause, obviously, it is imperative to satisfy the daily water requirement by introducing 1.5-2 liters of water per day (6-8 glasses of water), not forgetting that we also take water with food and, above all, with fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, also contain antioxidant substances, vitamins and minerals useful for combating cell aging.

The choice of soaps helps to counteract the dryness of the skin, opting for delicate detergents enriched with emollient and moisturizing substances. It is also necessary to get used to using water at the right temperature and for the right time, avoiding too hot water and too long showers because the natural hydro-lipid film of the skin (the protective oily layer) is excessively removed.

The hydrolipidic film performs an important function of protection from external agents that contribute to making the skin dry, and to preserve it it is good to use daily creams suitable for the type of skin. The skin, in fact, is exposed to cold, heat, dry air and UV rays at all ages, but these factors that influence the degree of hydration can further worsen the situation during menopause.

Changing your lifestyle is equally important, so it is good to give up smoking and reduce alcohol consumption and exercise, followed by a good reintegration of lost fluids. Physical activity is essential to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and maintain good health in the muscles, heart and blood vessels, as well as to improve skin health through better oxygenation.

In addition to dry, premenopausal and menopause skin, other skin problems can also develop, such as acne and the more or less frequent appearance of pimples. Also in this case the reason lies in the hormonal imbalance typical of this period, and the consultation of the dermatologist to resolve some situations may be appropriate.

Advice And Taboos To Dispel For A Satisfying Sex Life After Menopause

It is true that in menopause libido can have a decrease. But sexual response largely depends on stimuli that come from the brain and hormones are just one of several factors that contribute to a woman’s normal sexual function. The decrease in desire in women and men at all ages is not due to a certain hormonal level, but rather to a decrease in falling in love, the pressure of other concerns, stress, psychological factors and conflicts with the partner.

Poor female sexual satisfaction is associated above all with a lack of self-esteem, with emotional or body discomforts, with unsatisfactory interpersonal relationships, all difficulties that menopause can bring out or exacerbate. But this does not mean that the drop in libido and the end of sexual satisfaction is inevitable, nor that it should access all of them. To avoid it, we must above all change our approach.

The vision of sexuality has changed thanks to very strong socio-cultural changes: among them the extension of life with a consequent redefinition of sexuality – and the ability to procreate, with assisted fertilization, even outside the biological age. Furthermore, the recognition of female pleasure that is achievable at any age with drugs like Addyi (flibanserin), Female Viagra (sildenafil) and others is a very recent achievement.

But in order for it to be real and sexuality to be satisfying and rich even in maturity, it is necessary to change the point of view, and to start considering menopause not as a disease or a misfortune, not as the end of femininity, but as a change at both physical and emotional levels, which can have many pleasant surprises. The moment in which, instead of continuing to regret youth, one continues to dream, to want to make discoveries and to get excited through sex and the relationship with the partner, this becomes possible.

The only physical factors that can negatively influence sexuality are a certain lack of muscle tone of the genital system due to the relaxation of the tissues, which can however be prevented and reduced by training the pelvic muscles with the famous Kegel exercises, and the poor lubrication that can be mitigated simply with the use of a lubricant.

If you want menopause to have a lesser if not positive impact on your life and sexuality as a woman, special attention must be paid. To diet and control weight, to take a correct intake of soy isoflavones (i.e. phytoestrogens, which mitigate the most unpleasant symptoms) and vitamins A, C and E. through nutrition or supplements. vitamin E, B6, B12 and folic acid with protective function, vitamin D, calcium, zinc and magnesium: all important for bone health. It is also important to combine physical activity: a 30-minute daily walk is enough. And sex, obviously: it does a lot of good, both to the body and the mood!

The clitoris does not undergo changes in menopause. Indeed, in older women there may even be a slight hypertrophy due to the prevalence of the hormonal activity of the adrenal gland, and the desire could even increase due to the disappearance of the antagonistic function of estrogen against androgens.

Being in the arms of Morpheus for at least 7-8 hours per night increases the likelihood of being satisfied with one’s sex life. The overseas researchers led by Juliana Kling of the Mayo Clinic of Scottsdale, Arizona, say from the pages of Menopause magazine, who came to this conclusion after analyzing the data of about 94 thousand women aged between 50 and 79 years.

Why do you Feel Pain during Urination

Perhaps every adult man knows that if he feels pain, burning or cutting when passing the urine, then there is something wrong with his health. But what is it? Let’s find out about the most often causes of unpleasant sensations during urination.

Infections of the genitourinary tract

Such issues are more frequent in women. However, when the males grow older, their chances for getting one of the urinary tract infections significantly grow. Urethritis, cystitis, and other bacterial, fungal or viral infections may manifest through ache and burning during urination.

Sexually transmitted infections

No matter what kind of Venereal disease you have, bacterial, viral or parasitic, you may feel an acute pain when passing the urine. Pain sensations may be accompanied by sores in the penile area, high body temperature, pain during sexual intercourse. An individual may develop these symptoms in several days after being infected or much later. Sometimes it may take years to reveal the infection.

Kidney stones

Stones or sand in kidneys may stay unnoticed until the moment they begin to move down the kidneys to the urethra. In case there is a stone, a person will suffer from renal colic and may even need to be operated on if it blocks the outflow of the urine from the kidney. Yet if the sand is on the way to “exit“, so to say, a man may feel acute pain, burning and cutting in the process of urination. Besides, he may be notice blood in the urine.

kidney stones


This problem is quite common among the men over 50. It is caused by the inflammatory processes in the prostate gland and its enlargement. Prostatitis is commonly accompanied by the frequent need to visit the bathroom, pain sensations, weak stream of the urine, and numerous other symptoms.

How to deal with the pain during urination?

First of all, you have to turn to the doctors and undergo some urine and blood tests. Depending on the results, your medical specialist will be able to prescribe you an antibiotic, antiviral or antifungal preparation that will help you to feel better in a couple of days only. However, the therapy of more serious infections and kidney disease may last significantly longer.

Signs and Manifestations of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Males

The insidiousness of sexually transmitted diseases lies in quite durable incubation period of some of them. Being already infected, a person may not even suspect it and transmit the pathogens of the illness to his sexual partners.

The only way to minimize the risks of STDs and stay healthy is to use condoms every time you have sex. No pills, gels or other remedies can create a barrier for the infection.

To stay on the safe side and be able to turn for the medical help in time, every man should know about the symptoms of Venereal illnesses. Depending on the pathogen that has provoked an infection, people may have different signs. However, there are some first bells of possible troubles, which should be paid attention to:

  • Pain, cutting or burning sensations when passing the urine or ejaculating;
  • Itching or discomfort in the penile area;
  • Lymph nodes swelling;
  • Swelling of the testicles;
  • Discharge from the penis;
  • Ulcers, rash, blisters or warts in the penile area.

These are only some initial manifestations of sexually transmitted infections. If you have had an unprotected sex and noticed any of the enumerated signals shortly after it, you should turn to the doctors.

Yet this is the best possible scenario you may have. Very often sexually transmitted diseases do not cause any symptoms. Some of them may be “hiding” for years.

What kinds of illnesses may be transmitted via unprotected sex?

There are two common types of the infections you may get: bacterial and viral.

To the first group belong:

  • Chlamydia;
  • Gonorrhea;
  • Syphilis.

sexually transmitted infections

Among the viral venereal infections are:

  • Herpes simplex;
  • Human papillomavirus;
  • Hepatitis B.

Bacterial infections may be cured completely with the help of antibiotics, whereas viral infections may stay within the body for long years. Nevertheless, some of them, like hepatitis B and Human papillomavirus may be prevented with the help of vaccination.

Take care of your life and health. Avoid sexual relations without using condoms.

Constipation in men: causes and ways of treatment

The statistics claim that 2% of Americans suffer from frequent constipation. Not many you would say. However, more than 4 million people are hidden behind such a small percentage.

Even though infrequent bowel movements are more characteristic of women, men can also suffer from such problems. The reasons for the existing situation are different, but the core of the bulk of them is hidden in the modern style of life.

Why do you get constipated?

Here are the most probable reasons for rare bowel movements in males:

  • Inactive way of life. Long hours in front of the computer and sedentary lifestyle has turned into a real issue when it goes about visiting a bathroom. Lack of movements throughout the day doesn’t let the feces move down the intestine to the rectum. As a result, you may be a rare guest on the toilet seat.
  • Unhealthy eating habits. Fatty foods lower the motility of the gastrointestinal tract. And if a high-fat diet is combined with a hatred of fruits and vegetables (meaning that you don’t get enough fiber), you are a probable candidate for constipation.
  • Lack of time for defecation. No matter how paradoxically it may sound, but very often men literally have no time to go to the bathroom. Tense work schedule can be the major reason for constipation and bowel discomfort you consequently feel.

These are only some of all possible causes, yet having excluded at least them, you are very likely to feel better.

How to improve the situation?

To get rid of the discomfort and a constant feeling of fullness, you don’t need to take any pills. It will be absolutely enough to change your habits and lifestyle. So, what should you do to feel better?


  • Enrich your diet with vegetables, fruits, and whole-grain products. Thanks to this, you increase the consumption of fiber. As a result, you may get regular and healthy bowel movements.
  • Drink enough water. Intestines are the place where the water is absorbed. The longer the feces stay there, the drier they get. By postponing your visit to the bathroom, you yourself exacerbate the situation. Yet by drinking a lot of water, you may make the feces softer and excretion will be much easier.
  • Move a lot. The more you walk, jump, and run during the day, the easier your defecation will be.
  • Never ignore the need to defecate.

6 Most Common Male Diseases

Because of the differences in the way of life, stress levels, and the ability to cope with it, men are more predisposed to certain health issues than women. Here is a list of the most often diagnosed illnesses in men for you to be aware of.

Cardiovascular issues

The WHO statistic claims that the United States is in the top-10 of the countries with the highest cardiovascular disease death rate. Per 100.000 men between the ages of 35 and 74, 235 die because of heart disease or stroke.

The reason hides in the naturally higher amounts of bad cholesterol in the male body compared to the females. Unhealthy eating habits, smoking, a lot of stress, and lack of activity only add to the natural threat. Thus, men commonly evolve heart disease long before the age of 65.


Malignant growth of cells is the second most widespread health problem in the USA. About a quarter of all the newly revealed cases fall on prostate cancer. Lung cancer affects 15% of new cancer patients. Colorectal cancer closes the three most often diagnosed malignant illnesses with 10% of incidence.

Depressive disorder

Despite depression is more common in women (9.3%) than in men (5.4%), the rate of suicide in the latter is very much higher. 79% of all completed suicides are committed by men.

The probable reason for such a sad statistic is that men find it more difficult to express their feeling and emotions than women. Hence, they keep the problems inside thus accumulating them. Finally, when the peak is reached even a trifle can trigger suicide.

To the major factors of risk for depression belong:

  • Dependencies (alcohol, drugs, gambling);
  • Loss of job;
  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Psychological traumas connected with participation in hostilities.

Prediabetes and Diabetes

About 36.6% of all male population of the USA have prediabetes. The bulk of them doesn’t even suspect being so close to the disease.

The main risk factor for diabetes is excessive weight and obesity. Neglection of healthy nutrition, eating fast food and junk food, plus lack of physical activity make men “an easy prey” for the disease.

Erectile dysfunction

Troubles with getting and keeping an erection are quite common for men around the world. 52% of Americans know the problem really close. The probability of getting this illness grows with age, yet it’s not the main problem. ED usually affects men with heart disease, hypertension, increased stress levels, and diabetes. So, it’s quite hard not to evolve it taking into account that these ailments are most common in males.


Troubles with joints are gathered under common name arthritis. The disease is diagnosed in more than 20% of the overall population of the USA older than 18. The major manifestations of arthritis are joint stiffness, pain, swelling, redness, loss of the usual joint mobility.

Vitamin D deficiency as a cause of male sterility

Being unable to conceive, the couples start looking for the problem. For about a quarter of them, the reason hides in male’s health. Stresses, unhealthy nutrition, low physical activity, and bad habits are named as the major reasons for such a statistic. However, a number of recent studies have revealed another issue, which may be the cause of low fertility levels in men. The story goes about vitamin D.

It is thought that low levels of this nutrient are to blame for the poor sperm quality in infertile men.

Why is vitamin D so important?

Vitamin D takes part in cholesterol metabolism in the special cells located in the testicles. They are called Leydig cells and are responsible for testosterone production. Besides, vitamin D helps to activate the release of energy from lipids thus increasing the motility of the sperm. Hence, insufficient levels of this nutrient affect spermatogenesis and the motility of the semen leading to male sterility.

The results of the pilot study conducted by the Italian scientists claim that males with low vitamin D levels who have been diagnosed with infertility have lower chances for becoming fathers compared to the individuals having the same diagnosis yet with a normal level of this vitamin.

A total of 102 infertile couples took part in the experiment lasting for three months. They were divided into two groups depending on the vitamin D levels of the male partners. Neither of the men took any vitamin D supplements. However, the female partners took three cycles of gonadotropin to stimulate mono-ovulation.

male sterility

The results showed that in couples with normal vitamin D levels the rate of pregnancy was 27.7% (10 pregnancies in 36 couples). The results of the other group were much lower – only 9.2% (5 pregnancies in 54 couples). Despite the results of the semen analysis taken at the start of the survey haven’t significantly changed by the end of the experiment, the percent of the achieved pregnancies shows the significance of sufficient amounts of vitamin D for male fertility.

Diseases That Statistically Present More Danger To Men Than Women

The risks of incurring diseases are different according to sex, women have greater risks in some things than men in others. Several studies have been carried out in this regard, and researchers have isolated some molecular components underlying the different response of male and female cells to stress.

Women live longer than men, this is known. How much longer? According to the latest figures from the World Health Organization, the average is four and a half years. To be precise, of the 141 million children who will be born this year in the world, females can aspire to live up to 74.2 years, males only up to 69.8. There are diseases today, of which men die more than women. And they are the majority.

According to WHO data, more men than women lose their lives in car accidents. In the ranking, worse than road accidents there are only cardiac ischemia, the absolute disease in the world that kills men the most. In third place are the tumors of the respiratory system, from those to the lung to those of the trachea, all neoplasia typically more masculine. The fourth place is held by heart attacks.

Except for those closely related to the female organs (breasts and ovaries), all cancers generally kill more men than women: liver, kidneys, stomach. Among the communicable diseases, on the other hand, both tuberculosis and HIV are more lethal for men, as are all serious respiratory infections.

Men have a higher incidence of contracting Parkinson’s disease. Men are at greater risk for cancer mortality and are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease at a young age. In general, the symptoms of many diseases can be different between men and women. In the case of myocardial infarction, the symptoms present differently between the two sexes and many times women are delayed. As there can be difference when colon cancer occurs, the woman has fewer symptoms to be aware of it, but when she realizes what is happening, urgent action must be taken – men tend to let the symptoms aggravate and do not seek out medical health promptly, which is statistically yet another reason for mortality rates to be higher for men after 70.

There is only one pathology that kills more women than men, and it is Alzheimer’s.

What Is Priapism And How To Treat It

Priapism is a painful and abnormally long erection (lasting more than 3 hours), during a sexual activity or outside of any sexual desire and not leading to ejaculation. Priapism is an urological emergency. There is not an age group to which to associate the most frequent cases of priapism: it is usually evident between the ages of 25 and 40, but the growth of cases of pharmacological origin widens the range of possible “victims”.

How to diagnose priapism? It is sufficient to carry out an instrumental diagnostic tests, that is, a blood test (blood gas analysis) of the blood taken from the corpora cavernosa and a penile colordoppler ultrasound. The blood gas analysis will verify the state of hypo-oxygenation and district acidosis, so the blood will appear dark and viscous, while the ultrasound will reveal a reduced arterial pulsatility and the absence of venous discharge. When it comes to arterial hyperflux priapism, oxygenation is normal and the blood has a bright red color, but ultrasonography shows an increase in arterial flow associated with insufficient venous discharge.

What is happening? Priapism appears due to the impossibility of cavernous bodies to empty blood that has accumulated during erection. The blood remains trapped due to venous evacuation made impossible for the following reasons:

  • Psychological reasons
  • Taking medication (neuroleptics, anticoagulants and especially the “erection facilitators” like Viagra and its analogs)
  • Alcoholism
  • The injection into the cavernous body of an excess dose of a drug to treat impotence by lack of erection: by far the most common
  • Exceptionally, some serious diseases such as leukemia, some cancers

It’s an emergency, because:

  • Priapism begins with a classical erection. It follows a prolonged engorgement. The glans remains flaccid unlike in case of a normal erection.
  • Oxygen depletion of the corpus cavernosum occurs rapidly and an enrichment in carbon dioxide is responsible for the increase of blood viscosity.
  • The risk of venous thrombosis, which is rapidly responsible for tissue degeneration (fibrosis / necrosis), is an emergency that must be resolved in the early hours.

Report to the emergency room immediately in the following cases:

An erection occurred outside any sexual desire (usually at night), quickly became painful, unbearable, prolonged abnormally

A penis whose volume is greater than during normal erections during intercourse. with a flaccid glans and with abnormal duration

After trying to cool the skin, with Cryoflurane or ice in a plastic bag, the doctor will immediately establish diagnosis and send you to the hospital for further therapeutic measures. Such measures consist in vasoconstrictive medications injected in the penis, puncture or surgery, if everything else fails. The surgical procedure is aimed at restoring the connection between the blood vessels in the corpora cavernosa and the veins in the body.

Often it is not necessary to resort to surgery, but if it comes to venous priapism a surgical urgency may arise. Post-operative recovery in this case can also last for a few months, as well as being total or partial.

Average Testicle Size, What Is It And How Does It Matter?

Today we will talk about what the normal size of the testicles should be and how to evaluate it through some simple tests that also include a pleasant testicle massage.

These tests can be done comfortably on your own.

What does the testicles dimension depend on? Is it possible to increase the size, weight or volume of the testicles? Let’s be clear.

The size of the testicles cannot change in an absolute sense but can increase considerably when the testicles are small due to a problem, this problem can be solved. Furthermore, when a man is able to recover a full male health, optimizing his hormonal profile with adequate nutrition, pro-testosterone training and a healthy lifestyle, the testicles will also benefit. Thus they will produce more androgenic hormones (DHT), more sperm and consequently increase their size up to what should be the “normal” dimension.

However, to avoid making unrealizable results dream, we must say that it is not possible to go beyond what is the measure that Nature has decided for us. Genetics is not controlled. In fact, some men are at a disadvantage. They were subjected to a low amount of testosterone when they were in the womb and as a result have a less masculine profile than others.

The fact is that the masculinity of an individual is determined in large part precisely in the womb and exposure to testosterone in this phase is crucial for some masculine characteristics: the amount of facial hair (beard), the tone of the voice, the size of the Adam’s apple and testicles.

There is a very simple test that allows us to understand whether the size of our testicles is “final” or not.

Masculinity test 1: The Digit-Ratio

The test is very simple:

  • Put your right hand open in front of the face with your fingers aligned
  • Observe the length of the index and ring fingers
  • Which of these is longer?
  • A) If your ring finger is longer than the index, it means that you have been exposed to more testosterone in the womb.
  • B) If your ring finger is the same or shorter than the index finger it means that unfortunately the exposure to androgens has not been so massive.

In principle, the longer the ring finger is longer than the index (case A), the greater the “potential” masculinity of a man. This means that a man with these characteristics should have bigger testicles and penises and larger amounts of circulating androgens (testosterone and DHT).

Test 2 for the size and functionality of the testicles

After this “philosophical” digression I go back to talking about the health and size of our precious testicles proposing another couple of tests that I consider very useful to ensure that our “jewels” are always in full health.

Test number 2 – The spoon test

This test is based on the ejaculatory capacity, that is on the quantity of sperm that our testicles are able to produce and is sufficiently simple and practical to be easily performed by every man.

  • If you are able to fill an entire teaspoon yourself and the consistency of the sperm is thick, pasty and homogeneous… result A
  • If you are able to fill an entire teaspoon but the consistency of the sperm is thin and watery… result B

  • If you are NOT able to fill an entire teaspoon but the consistency of the sperm is thick, pasty and homogeneous… result C
  • If you are NOT able to fill an entire teaspoon and the consistency of the sperm is thin and watery… result D
  • If you can’t fill even a third of a teaspoon… result E

A is the result we should normally achieve. F is the result we should hope to never get.